Anyway. Marvelous Monday nights ---
- Penny becomes addicted to online gaming in the Big Bang Theory. How I thought this show was too corny the very first time is beyond me. BBT is probably one of the smartest comedies. And you know what? There aren't a lot of 'em on TV now!
- Ted lists the reasons why he loves New York over New Jersey in How I Met Your Mother. And I think I know one of the reasons why Stella isn't Mother. Oh, and Robin is moving to Japan. What is going on?
- Sam's still having his worst luck on the Worst Week. They've introduced a third or fourth sibling. My god, how many brothers and sisters does Sam's girlfriend have? I crack up a lot when I'm watching this show but the jokes are mostly stupid. Between BBT and WW, my IQ points fluctuate.
- Bryce is back on Chuck!!!!!!!!!! Yum. Also, it is official --- Chuck is James Bond now.
- I have yet to break-up with (breakaway from) Grey's Anatomy and it seems I'm also going to do the same for Heroes. Can they do a Sylar spinoff instead? Mohinder = eeeeeeewwww!