Season 2's opener is still making my mind woozy. The Walkers were all over my TV screen --- dialogue after dialogue after dialogue.
- Nearly everyone was present at Kitty's birthday party. Yes, including the mistress Nora invited to celebrate with them.
- Missing was Justine, who's fighting the war in Iraq.
- Kitty and Nora argued at a wedding gown boutique. It was caught on a camera phone and was posted on Youtube.
- The siblings had a four-way argument at a Mexican restaurant --- Kevin was being self-involved; Sarah was pissed at Tommy for telling everybody the personal anecdote she told him earlier; Kitty was mad at Rebecca, who is fast becoming chummy with her mother.
- And Nora bitched to a group of yuppies eating at what was supposed to be their table at the restaurant.
Minor observation which I hope will not start a trend or seal a slump (knock on wood!)--- there were moments when I felt the scene was forced a little bit. It wasn't as great as last year's season premiere. But then the last five minutes made up for it. So, it's forgiven!
Nitpick --- when everyone else rang the doorbell to the Walkers home (Kitty and Julia did), but Kevin's boyfriend? He just walked right in. What's that about?
How I've missed this family!
[Brothers and Sisters]