In the updated version, Michael Knight meets his son, Mike Tracer, for the first time. Mike has been wasting his life away and is rescued by his childhood friend, Sarah...who happens to be the daughter of the inventor of KITT. Playing Mike Tracer is Justin Bruening.
At this point, the plot doesn't sound interesting. It feels more like daytime soap to me!
This idea of reviving the 80's show was inspired by the recent summer hit, Transformers.
Success of "Transformers" had a role in inspiring NBC Entertainment chief Ben Silverman's decision to revive "Knight." The thinking is that smallscreen f/x have advanced to the point where it'd be feasible to have a weekly series in which cars shift shapes.Here's hoping that this iconic show doesn't end up as a disaster like Bionic Woman.
Watch the opening scene from the 80's series:
[Knight Rider]