I did that last night and like a quickie (haha), I was done, done, done. I didn't realize Hung's episodes were short. The pilot stretched to more than an hour when I first tried watching it last year. But the remaining 9 episodes were about thirty minutes apiece. Watching it was fast, quick and easy.
That being said, the series, overall, was quite uneven. Maybe because it still needs to find its footing. I am hoping that with the second season, the story lines and characters are ripe for something greater. It would be a shame to see this show cancelled so soon because, I'd like to think that there's nothing quite like it on TV today.
Hung stars Thomas Jane, as Ray Drecker, a high school basketball coach who used to be somebody a long time ago but he is now struggling to make ends meet. After attending this seminar on "how to be rich" Drecker realizes that the tool he needed to strike big.... is his actual "tool". Blessed with a large penis, he thought he would become a male escort. He tells this idea to a friend of his, Tanya (Jane Adams), a classmate from the same get-rich-quick class. Tanya, who believes she is a poet, offers to become his pimp.
Both without experience, Drecker and Tanya go through all the birth pains of a new business. And this is where the series actually gets a few laughs. The two make so many gaffes and very awkward mistakes, I kept wishing they would enlist Belle from Secret Diary of a Call Girl
I can't say this show is golden because there really are plenty more room for improvements. But if you're looking for something to watch over the next three months when the bigger shows aren't on, then yes....take a delight in watching Hung for awhile.
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