I had actually watched the first four or five episodes of United States of Tara
The other day, I introduced this to the husband, who gets what crazy is. Didn't have to convince him to sit through. All I had to pitch was --- "This is the reason why Toni Collette won that Emmy last year."
United States of Tara is a series about a mom with MPD or DID or whatever its called now. She has alternate personalities, each one totally different than the other. And I mean different, like ---- the other one knows how to play the piano while the rest don't, the other one is a lefty while the rest are right-handed, the other one is a MAN.
Each personality treats the other personality like a totally different person, too.
That Toni Collette's job is hard is an understatement. But there is nothing this actress can't do. Nothing! Which is why, she and her many personalities, will probably get the award again for Emmy's 2010. The voices in my head say so.
Done with half of season one so far, and we also have Season 2, which just ended recently, waiting in line. I read that the show gets even darker and whacked up.
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