I know it's going to be impossible to finish all sixty in 2 weeks, when I have late Christmas shopping, housework, and actual work to do.
And I couldn't finish watching, not because the series isn't engaging. Far from it.
This is actually hailed as one of the best shows of the decade (which is why I wanted to watch it in the first place). Also, it's all headlined by character actors. There are no celebrities with star power here but seasoned, convincing actors.
I couldn't finish because watching this show meant I needed to have full concentration, with my mind free of distractions. I need to process this well to enjoy it. It's not something one would watch mindlessly.
And if you've been following this blog (or my Facebook), then you must be aware, a clear mind isn't what I have all of this year, what with so many changes happening in our household and I'm kept constantly occupied.
Anyway, I'm going to finish what I can this Christmas break, seeing that most shows I follow are on hiatus and the mid-season premieres aren't happening till the second week of January.
If I begin to sound serious and intense in the next few days/weeks, then you'll know it's probably because I've been internalizing the characters of The Wire and have stepped into their world.
What about you? What's on your watchlist this coming holiday?