I lost my wedding ring. Technically, it isn't a wedding ring, because I've never been "wed". But it's a ring my "husband" bought for us over ten years ago, with the gold bands twisted together, encrusted with studs; sort of a wedding, sort of an eternity ring...meant to symbolize our binding together... or just so we'd look like a cute couple with matching rings.
Anyway, I lost it. I think I've lost it for over two weeks now but I just noticed that it's been missing, in the last couple of days. I remember the last time I put it down --- by the kitchen counter, while I was washing the dishes. I don't remember picking it up. Or I think I picked it up, but absentmindedly placed it somewhere else. And now I can't remember.
I would've thought my husband would be the first one to lose his band. There was a time when he'd place it just about anywhere he fancies, so I taught him a system: whenever he removes his ring, he has to immediately put it back in one and the same place (in this case, his cabinet drawer) so he immediately knows where to find it next time. Unfortunately, I did not follow my own system.
So now, it's gone. And I don't have something else to pawn in case I'm in dire need of money!
Speaking of weddings, my brother (6 years younger than I am) is getting married in September of this year. Last week, our family met with his bride's family, as tradition would have dictated it (or as the future in-laws have disctated upon us, as they are ultra-conservative types). Pamanhinkan is what it's called. And the first one my father reluctantly attended. (the first and only one, on account of, I've never and won't actually have to be given away by him at the altar. No traditional miss, this one!)
On the way to my future sis-in-law's province, my father many times over said how much this was gonna be costly; or how this would be too much trouble (with the preparations we have to make); and how this was a hassle; why don't my brother and his bride just live together or elope when it's all the same blah, blah....half in jest, half in a serious tone. Obviously, my father isn't the traditional type, too.
A little after lunch in my sis-in-law's house, and after a few moments of pleasantries and awkwardness exchanged between our families... my brother, mother, father and myself sat in the living room. Across us was my sis-in-law and her parents and the mood was serious. One would've thought we were up for a chess match or a quiz bee or something and our spectators were cousins, aunts and uncles from both sides.
And then they began to talk about the wedding....Ugh, how awkward it was to listen to it! Especially for my dad whom I kept looking over, knowing we probably felt the same way I did. My dad grinned like a silly cat the whole time (God knows, what he was thinking then. He looked drunk and he only had a bottle of C2 Ice Tea!) and managed to crack a silly joke in front of my sis-in-law's traditional parents. Fortunately it wasn't a disaster. And it was nothing like you see in a Rob Schneider movie or something. Both families came to an agreement and I think we'll get along and do just fine. But the whole moment? Just felt....cheesy! Or old and outdated. I wanted to get out of there and go back to the year 2006. I'm sure my father felt the same way.
Anyhow, chessy-ness and awkwardness aside, my brother and his bride are all set for the wedding and they have actually made their preparations properly. Who would've thought? My brother, the perennial baby-prince of the family, who had to be served all his life, was now taking charge of his life and making the preparations for his own wedding. My Lola would be so proud of him!
In light of this primarily being a blog about TV, let me close this with one of my favorite wedding moments...Monica & Chandler's Wedding:
Chandler's Vows: Monica I thought this was going to be the most difficult thing I ever had to do. But when I saw you walking down that aisle I realized how simple it was. I love you. Any surprises that come our way it’s okay, because I will always love you. You are the person I was meant to spend the rest of my life with. You wanna know if I’m sure? (He leans in and kisses her.)